A Lesson Learned From Living In A Communist Police State
For your own good you should read and remember this lesson too
Ceaușescu's Securitate was one of the most powerful and feared secret police forces from all communist countries. Despite numbering only about 11,000 employees (which wasn't a lot in a country or 23 million people) it drew its power from the extensive network of informers.
Emblem of the Department Of State Security AKA Securitate
It is estimated that in the 1980s, 1 out of every 30 Romanians had signed a written agreement to be a Securitate informer. The large majority did it by being coerced and blackmailed, some to further their job and social status prospects, and some out of conviction.
Basically, if a Securitate agent approached a citizen and asked him/her to be an informant, the first pitch was patriotic duty. If that failed, the perks were enumerated, like access to increased food rations or in rare cases jumping ahead of the line for housing waiting list.
If the perks also failed to convince, the Securitate agent could consider the stubborn citizen a reactionary and derail his job promotion prospects, delay his housing waiting time, or simply harass him with daily appointments for interrogatory at the Securitate HQ.
It is no surprise that so many broke down and signed agreements with Ceaușescu's secret police. It is still unknown how many did in fact provided informative reports that landed other people in trouble and how many just signed and reported they didn't hear or see anything.
Fact is at the time we didn't know the immense number of informers the Securitate had, but we could feel and fear it's power and presence everywhere. This was the number one reason why in Romania organizing a secret movement or open protest against Ceaușescu was almost impossible.
Watching now how America is sliding fast into the same communist madness I escaped from in 1989, and witnessing how the FBI has turned into a secret police serving a single political Party, witnessing how they infiltrate, use informers, entrap, frame and arrest innocent people, I started to ask myself the same life or death question I asked myself in Ceaușescu's Romania so many times before: in the very near future how will I be able to discern who is going to rat me and who I can put my trust in?
We all witnessed how neighbors and coworkers ratted out participants in the J6 protest. How they helped the FBI pur innocent people in prison for the crime thought of questioning an election result and taking a tour guided by the Capitol Police officers into the People's building
So how do we know who to trust and who to suspect of being an FBI rat? Who will be my friend who refused to sign an informer recruitment agreement and who will sell me out? Who is the patriot and who is the treacherous weasel?
I believe that inadvertently, the Biden regime gave us that answer during the Wi-Flu pandemic. Try to remember who among your friends, coworkers, neighbors and family were the most vocal proponents of masking, social distancing and mandatory vaccination.
Who gave the stink eye when they saw you not wearing a mask or saying you believe you don't need the jab because you already had COVID and better natural immunity as a result. Who told you you're not invited to a family reunion because you refuse to take the booster.
Who lit candles with Dr. Fauci portrait on them like he was a present-day Jesus. Who told you you're going to kill grandma if you don't wear a mask made of the same paper they use to make coffee filters.
Remember all those people and put them on your list of potential FBI rats.
And remember those who refused the jab even when they were put under pressure and suffered repercussions for not complying. Those who lost their jobs, who were ostracized by friends and families. Those who rebelled and refused to comply.
Those will never rat you out.
We miss you on Twitter, and we pray that Elon reinstates your main Twitter account soon. We hope all is well with you, and that you'll be posting another Impaler Weekly soon.