The FBI: a proud continuator of Ceausescu's Securitate
Epstein is now a confirmed an FBI source.
Now we know why his client list will never see the light of day. The FBI used Epstein's sex trafficking op as honey trap for politicians, bankers, celebs and tech magnates. All compromised & blackmailed by the FBI. See the link:
Confirmed: Jeffrey Epstein’s History as an FBI SourceEpstein was an FBI source before his 2007 plea deal
Meanwhile in the US Congress and in the media, the propaganda continues: “Our brave men and women FBI agents", you hear non-stop from politicians and media talking heads alike.
I'm sick and tired of that phrase. Screw the FBI and screw all their agents. If they would have an ounce of patriotism, self respect and a spine, they would resign en-masse.
FBI is nothing but Ceausescu's Securitate 2.0 dressed in better suits and having better surveillance tools at its disposal. The methods are just the same.
Disgusting, power hungry political police.
During the Cold War honey trapping was used by intelligence agencies from USSR and Warsaw Pact to China and the US to compromise ENEMY agents, politicians, high ranked military officers and industrialists in order to convince them to obtain and pass State and commercial secrets.
Since before 2007 the FBI ran the Epstein honeytrap not against foreign marks, but against US citizens with the purpose to take over the political and judicial system, big business and the mainstream media. This a real coup d'etat and an act of treason that should be punished by hanging.
Now we know why the GOP leaders are spineless cowards who won't dare to lift a finger to stop the Stalinist power abuse the deep statists in DC are inflicting upon us.
They are blackmailed and afraid of what the FBI has on them. This is why the GOP leadership didn't lift a finger to help Trump fight against the 2020 steal, and this is why they keep total silence about the J6 political prisoners.
Epstein was just one kompromat operation. Who knows how many other similar operations they ran through other rich scumbag pervs we didn't heard about yet?