I thought we would still have another 2-3 years of the face-saving appearances this O’Biden regime played until now. Not any longer. Now they make inconvenient people disappear like Mexican cartels do:
Next moves: good chances they will get rid of Justice Thomas, then come for our guns. They can't completely take over without disarming us. Many will respond negatively to confiscation, shootings will ensue. Martial law will be decreed. Trump will be arrested for "incitement".
They are desperate now. They fear us. They stole an election, installed a corrupt sock puppet in the White House, wrecked the economy, put their opposition in prison, financed and unleashed a China lab made virus, killed millions, forced an untested vax on us, locked us inside our homes for two years, gutted the military by removing any officers who refused fall in line with the current regime woke narrative, opened up the borders to terrorists, narcos and child traffickers, transformed cities in war zones, more dangerous to citizens than Iraq was to our troops. They know the only way to survive the payback is to go all in and take full control. Full blown Soviet style dictatorship.
Be ready for what's coming. It's going to get ugly really fast. Think Venezuela on a much larger scale.
True story: it was not long after the Revolution, maybe around 94 in Romania when I met a middle-aged couple who were repatriating immigrants and were house shopping.
At the time I was the owner of a real estate agency, the first ever opened in my city. I asked the couple why they were repatriating and from what country. They told me they defected in the 70s and put roots in Venezuela. They opened a small business and over time grew to several retail stores. Financially they were doing quite well, but they said they could sense a change is coming to Venezuela, and not a good one: lots of people were talking about socialism and they were supporting a former inmate and communist revolutionary named Hugo Chavez.
At the time I thought what those people told me was an exaggeration. I mean, how could Venezuela, a capitalist country turn socialist? Didn't the Venezuelan people watch the Romanian revolution on their TVs like anybody else around the planet?
Didn't they see the destruction the communists wrought on my country, didn't they watched the mistreated, abandoned children left to die in filth in Ceausescu's children houses? How could they support something like that to happen in their own country?
And yet, just a short couple of years later the Venezuelans did vote themselves into the socialist nightmare we Romanians got out only after 45 years of suffering. Now it looks like half of all Americans, the young ones and the ultra-rich want the same thing.
Yesterday on Mother’s Day when my wife was telling me we should start making contingency plans in case our worst fears come true, I remembered those Romanian-Venezuelan repatriates I met so long ago.
And I reflected how since the day me and my family set foot on American soil and up until just a couple of years ago, if somebody would have told me we would be thinking of these contingency plans in 2023, I would have said "go and see a shrink pal, this will never happen here."
And here we are, it is happening right before our eyes.
Dyed in the wool communists have taken over everything. In the cities they control justice is dispensed according to racial and ideological quotas.
Street violence, robberies, vagrancy are normalized. The communist street gang known as Antifa sets city blocks on fire and attacks police stations and courthouses and our own Vice President is raising bail funds for them. Illegal immigrants are waited at the border with free smartphones preloaded with apps for making it easy to apply for social benefits. Our kids are brainwashed to become communist transsexual freaks from the earliest age, then they get mutilated by criminal doctors.
As I already mentioned people who dared to support Trump and travelled to DC on Jan 6 are swatted and thrown in prison even if the never participated in any violent acts. 75-year-old grandmothers are investigated and prosecuted being treated like terrorists.
A documentary film maker/Director friend of mine and Nick's, was paid a visit by the FBI...err American STASI agents. Why would they come all the way from DC to East Texas other than to intimidate him for making "Capitol Punishment" a movie about the political prisoners of Jan 6?
By the way if you didn't watch yet, you should. And rather sooner than later, because it won't be long until the Biden regime will categorize it as "disinformation" or "inciting an insurrection" and force it out of distribution.
So here we are, me and my family watching America getting wrecked by a gang of communists and making contingency plans for what is coming. Meanwhile tens of millions of Americans are completely oblivious to what is happening around them.
Hamburgers, beer and football. These are the opioids of the masses (I'm paraphrasing Karl Marx). Americans believe their comfortable lives will continue regardless of who's running the US government. "I'm not interested in politics" they say. I'm just minding my own business, got to go to work every day, I have a family to sustain. Don't have time to get involved.
The problem is, even if you are not interested in politics, the politics are interested in you.
That was said by Pericles 2500 ago and it still holds true today.